7 Tips for Weekend Reading #7
1. Why Fake Traffic Sucks and How it Hurts Your Business Blog
If there is a currency for the internet, then it should be Web Traffic. Traffic is the blood of any website or blog, without Traffic, there is no use of having a dead page on the internet. Not all traffic are good, there is also bad traffic, and fake traffic. …
Read entire article here: www.famousbloggers.net
2. Basic Tips: Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines
Every day Search Engines like Google send many millions of web users to websites in their index. While there are plenty of Web 2.0 web indexing services around that are increasing in popularity – the fact is that search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN are still the biggest source of traffic to websites on the web. …
Read entire article here: ajnabii.com
3. 5 Big Mistakes Made By New Bloggers
New bloggers start with an idea, a passion for something and a vision for how much money they are going to make as a famous writer. But many bloggers fail to get a good start. Here are some of the more common mistakes …
Read entire article here: fixbuildanddrive.com
4. Three Dangerous Myths About List Posts – Busted
How do you feel about list posts?
Some bloggers like them; others hate them.
We’ve all seen guest posts that are badly done – perhaps with lots of “fluff” items that don’t add value, or with poor formatting and construction that makes them hard to read. …
Read entire article here: www.dailyblogtips.com
5. The State of Social Media Marketing in 2012 [Study]
Marketers continue to question the value they get from Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites. Many don’t know any more about how to measure engagement and what benefits it offers brands than when social media marketing first took off a few years ago. …
Read entire article here: www.pamorama.net
6. Killer Landing Pages: 3 Examples of Landing Pages that Convert
Your goal is to optimize landing pages for customer experience and business conversion success. To learn how to do this (in addition to reading ) it helps to look at some landing pages that illustrate “greatness.” …
Read entire article here: searchenginewatch.com
7. Principles for Successful Button Design
There are a thousand ways to design and create buttons today and you only need to spend a small amount of time looking through work on dribbble to get a sense of them. A great deal of these examples are exactly the same, but occasionally there are the odd few that feel like they’ve had a little more care and attention in their making. …
Read entire article here: webdesign.tutsplus.com