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7 Tips for Weekend Reading #3

7 Tips for Weekend Reading #3

1. How To Optimize Twitter: Be Real, Profiles, RT, Hashtags & More

Twitter loves me, Twitter loves me not.

Getting found and heard on Twitter isn’t as easy as the early days. Back then you could hang out and easily meet people at what was referred to as the largest online cocktail party.

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2. Pinterest vs. Instagram in Social Media PR and Branding Wars

Pinterest is currently social media’s most brightly shining star. Early adopters have been using it for nearly a year and a half but during the past six months or so its membership (still by invitation only) has rocketed by something like 300%. Barack Obama is on Pinterest, for goodness sake. Well, at least Mashable thinks it’s Obama. It’s hard to tell, to be honest. But considering the US president’s affinity for social media and the fact that he’s reportedly using Instagram, a Pinterest account wouldn’t be illogical.

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3. Can Pinterest Help Your Job Search?

Just when you thought you had mastered the job search on all social media platforms, along came Pinterest.

You’ve optimized your Facebook and LinkedIn pages and you’ve got the Twesume. Now it’s time to amp up your job search even more by putting your resume on Pinterest.

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4. 8 Simple Ways To Increase Blog Traffic For Free

I like writing list posts – they’re great because I can provide a lot of value, and give you guys a lot of ideas that you can work with.

BUT – they’re also very dangerous because all the tips, strategies and methods can be a bit overwhelming, and the last thing I wanna do is make you feel like you have to do every single method at once.
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5. Why External Links Should Open in New Tabs

When most designers design websites, they don’t pay much attention to links. As long as the link works and takes users to the right page, everything is fine. However, a great user experience goes further than that. There are certain links that should open in new browser tabs, and ones that should open in the same browser tab. It’s important for designers to know the difference.
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6. Call To Action Page Design Mistakes That Can Make a Convict

Congrats, the design looks impressive and yours greatness as a designer is quite obvious. But wait, what about the Call to action page. It does not look that much awesome and if I am not wrong, the wow effect is conspicuously missing here. It seems the page is missing out on love and dedication from your part which are so prominently present in the rest of the parts of the design, be it main interface or the navigation. But this should not be…
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7. Future of SEO: Change, Convergence, Collaboration

Forrester’s Interactive Marketing Forecast for 2011-2016 predicts that 26 percent of all advertising spend will come from interactive marketing reaching a grand total of $77 billion by 2016, with $33 billion of that coming through search.

Although the report states that search will lose some share from 55 percent today to 44 percent of all interactive spend in 2016, it also…
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